Central Mersey LOC was formed on 10th January 2007, via a merger of 2 previous LOCs, North Cheshire LOC and St Helens and Knowsley LOC. Central Mersey Local Optical Committee now serves the interests of GOS contractors and performers in 4 CCG areas, Halton, Knowsley, St Helens and Warrington and has links with Mersey area team of NHS England.
The Committee consists of up to 14 members, half are elected by contractors and half by ophthalmic performers in the LOC area. Elections for members are held every 3 years, with the next election is due in March 2022. There are currently no vacancies on the committee; Anybody wishing to be considered for membership in the future should contact the Secretary.
The LOC meets 5 times a year and holds an AGM in March. Forthcoming meeting dates can be viewed in the calendar section of this site.
Non-members are welcome to attend meetings as an observer and join members for dinner afterwards. This is a useful way to get to know more about the workings of the LOC and meet colleagues socially.
Bob Wilkes, Chairman
Chair: Bob Wilkes/St Helens Representative
Secretary: Ian White/Warrington Representative
Treasurer: Ian Carr/St Helens Representative
Vice Chair: Melanie Lutas
Georgia Barnes: Knowsley Representative
Andrew Dagnall: St Helens Representative
Paul Gilmore: Independent Practitioners Representative
Colin Jones: Dispensing Opticians Representative
Stuart Jones: Halton Representative
Paul Morgan: CPD Lead/Halton Representative
Rachel Tinsley: Web and Social Media lead/Knowsley Representative
Keith Williams: IT and Liaison with other LOCs/Employed Representative
Co-opted: None
The latest version of the LOC Constitution, drafted in April 2020 can be downloaded below: